"Life is never about the big picture, for it is the small details that define its glory; living its small parts will enable the grasp of appreciation, otherwise it is dictated by expectations." - kF.06

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RX-78-2 ver.Ka - W.I.P 1

I've decided to get back into Gundam plastic modeling, aka "Gunpla". Being the geeky Asian I am, its time to make my mech-toys presentable.

Since I've started this hobby, I've simply just built them and put them on display, not worrying about seam lines, flash from the plastic spruce, or painting them. Two reasons:
1. lazy
2. needed an airbrush. 

But now that I've purchased my IWATA HP-CS Eclipse, its time to go artsy fartsy on these mechs! 

My next display piece will be the RX-78-2 ver. Ka (to those that know Gundam models). Full effort will be put into this model, (that means hours of sanding), painting and creating a display base. 

Why do this? Cuz I can! 
I have the creative juice and technique to turn a plastic toy into a display piece AND I like to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary!! *rawr!*  

Work station

Sanding down the support for engine boosters
...till next time.

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