"Life is never about the big picture, for it is the small details that define its glory; living its small parts will enable the grasp of appreciation, otherwise it is dictated by expectations." - kF.06

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I blame myself, but its tiring...

Deep in my mind, the abyss of craziness, rationality, irrationaliy and whatever else in there, I ask:
Is this really my chance to press this button --> [Restart] ??? To restart my chance to correct past flaws?
Or is this my time to see if someone can really appreciate, understand and really want to be with me, and for the right reasons.
From the time I understood the term maturity and responsibility, I understand that I am the only to one point and blame, otherwise, my silence is all they hear.

I am wrong because of this...
I should not have done this...
I am unhappy because of this...
My thoughts were irrational...
My actions were regrettable...

Me, My, I...burden, climb, resurface, learn. For too long I've blamed myself and watch others accept the open ride and live free without expanding their perspective of other possibilities.
Again, this may be a selfish thing to say, but sometimes being a little selfish is upholding your diginity and to say, enough is enough.


A choice to rejoice…(reposted)

Accept that is the best
We are living in our time, with our minds to move
shift gears to persue, why stay in cruise-
control that is your life, to fight to see the bright light
We have a choice
Spread your wings to rejoice
Opportunities will come
Mistakes cannot be undone, but learn
Yearn for success, force yourself from distress-
Call for the highs, neglect the low
This is your life, step forward and go with the flow.

these chains are so hard to cut loose (reposted)

Ms. peace of mind is who we all seek
Sir Contentment and freedom are those we like to meet
Damn you, Mrs. Sentiment, for keeping our hearts hot
Control our thoughts, Mr. Commander us like bots

Please, unplug the power of sorrow
Revive, alive, bring me back to life tomorrow
I cannot take,
They hold me down, these chains you make

Please, Mr, Ms, Mrs, Sir, help me please
Remove these chains that are bound to me.

-Apr17, 2011


I remember on January 1st, 2011, I told myself, "I am going to be happy this year".
Nothing was going to stop me and I expected great things for myself. I was motivated, inspired and aspired to achieve great things, things that will make me happy as well as proud.

So I begin...